Before you write, i want you to carefully read the assignment request below: State of the Economy in _______
1. STEP 1:
Choose a nation to study from among those considered, by the United Nations, less developed nations:
(Browse the link above to discover more economic data about your country by clicking on World Development Indicators.)
Determine the standard of living in this nation by researching their Human Development Index. Click on this link below to learn more about the HDI:
What is their average schooling, life expectancy, and GDP per capita? Click on the hyperlink for “Download the latest Human Development Index Data” and read about the index for your chosen LDC.
Find out more about the economy of this nation by viewing the economy information compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency of the U.S. government:
What is the overall GDP, unemployment rates, and inflation rates?
What other important details did you discover about this nation’s economy?
Find current news articles about this nation that relate to the state of human development and economic data presented above. Explain the relevance of this current news. I expect at least one news article for each (human development and the economy).
After compiling this data and information, you will prepare an essay that discusses the country you are profiling. The essay should consist of an introduction that explains which nation you will be profiling, and three body paragraphs, that discuss STEPS #2, #3, and #4 above, as well as a conclusion. The essay should be 3-5 pages in length, contain appropriate citations, and have a works cited attached after the conclusion. I expect that, at minimum, you will cite the three sources provided above, two current news articles related to your chosen country, and your textbook.
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