PART 1 – Consequences of a social media
Predict what might happen if an organization implements a social media strategy without a social media compliance policy.
Write a 300-word response to the question.
Ensure you use proper grammar and APA formatting when using citations and references.
The response needs to include at least TWO academic resources to support your answer.
PART 2 – Social Media & Risks
Explain the risks associated with an organization implementing a social media strategy.
Write a 300-word response to the question.
Ensure you use proper grammar and APA formatting when using citations and references.
The response needs to include at least TWO academic resources to support your answer.
The books count toward one of the two academic requirements.
Required Text
Flynn, Nancy. (2012). The Social Media Handbook: Rules, Policies, and Best Practices to Successfully Manage Your Organization’s Social Media Presence, Posts, and Potential.
• Chapter 4, Regulatory Compliance: Government and Industry Watchdogs Keep an Eye on the Social Web
• Chapter 5, Privacy, Security, and Social Media: What Every Employer and User Should Know
Solis, Brian. (2011). Engage!: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web
• Chapter 17, Defining the Rules of Engagement
• Chapter 18, The Conversation Prism
• Chapter 19, Unveiling the New Influencers
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