You will be graduating from college soon with a degree in healthcare management. You are considering different career choices and would like to work for the government. You are thinking of applying to both state and local health departments but are unsure of what types of activities you may be involved with as a healthcare manager. You will present a memo to your potential employer on comparative effectiveness research (CER) recommendations and efforts toward one of the models described in the text (Chapter 13, pp. 278–280). See attachments below for the pages.
- Using the internet, look up the state and local health departments in your state and provide a brief overview of their activities (three to five points).
- Discuss the role that state and local health departments have in healthcare.
- Describe the purpose, function, and mechanisms of the CER Model you recommend.
- Identify the benefits of implementing this CER system.
Preparing the case study [adapted from Buchbinder, Cox, & Casciani, 2014]:
(a) Read the case study to identify the main point and key players. Highlight the main points and identify themes. Review, asking questions: What is really going on? What are the problems? What is the main issue? How to the problems relate? What are the underlying issues? How or why these issues developed.
(b) Research the problem or issue you have identified to help frame the issue and to make connections to secondary issues. Use journal articles, and not website-based sources.
(c) Decide how to “solve” or manage the issue. Consider who should be involved; what their responsibilities might be, strengths and weaknesses, and so on.
(d) Identify at least two alternative solutions and analyze their strengths and weaknesses, (or describe why or why not they would be effective).
(e ) Select the best alternative and explain how you will measure effectiveness.
Writing the case study [adapted from Buchbinder et al., 2014]:
(a) Include a background statement to introduce what you will write about. Summarize the scenario, but do not restate the scenario. Identify key points, the stakeholders, setting and situation.
(b) Discuss the specific issue and secondary issues and how they relate. Support your analysis and explain your reasoning.
(c) Describe the role perspective contributing to your solution, identifying strengths and weaknesses.
(d) Describe alternative solutions or compare and contrast and identify the pros and cons of these.
(e) End with a conclusion that addresses how to evaluate the effectiveness of the solution or describe how effective measures should be measured. Some case studies may conclude with a discussion of implications from the case.
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