This assignment is aimed at exploring and creating a cultural profile of your community. You will also need to complete the demographical information form. Follow the steps as listed in the Appendix section. You will need to do the following:
1. Begin by taking a tour of your community and identify the cultures that are represented. Examine the signs, type of businesses, local newspapers, cultural and faith-based organizations, cultural celebrations and services available. a. Provide a description of what you see as you come into your community.
2. Conduct research to create a cultural demographical profile about your community.
a. Using the census data, locate demographical information about your community. Identify the key social, ethnic and linguistic characteristics as reflected in the census data.
b. Locate demographical data about your classroom enrollment and provide a summative description about the student population that you teach:
i. Ethnic and linguistic composition.
ii. socioeconomic characteristics
iii. children with special needs
iv. English language learners.
3. Report your findings and provide following:
a. Overall cultural description and impression about your community.
i. What are the key cultural descriptors about the community?
ii. What are the cultural messages visibly present?
iii. What evidences the diverse cultural nature of your community?
iv. Considering the diverse elements in your community, what are the implications for children growing up in your community?
b. Clearly analyze the data and discuss the educational implications of the cultural and demographical data of your community.
i. Based on the diversity factors in your community, what considerations do you need to keep in mind as you plan your teaching?
ii. What modifications would you need to make to meet the needs of children and their families?
iii. Based on the cultural profile of your community, what resources are (places, people, artifacts and others) available in your community that could be used in your multicultural curriculum (NAEYC 2a, 4b). Explain the reasons for selecting each one
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