For this module’s assessment you are required to put together a portfolio on a topic of your choice, which must be relevant to a subject covered in any of the modules of the Certificate Course. Students should note the overall word limit of 3000 words must not be exceeded, (any portfolio exceeding the word limit will be marked as a fail), however, this does not include any appendices, footnotes or the bibliography.
The portfolio may consist of a study of an issue of relevance to your role/ or to your Trust/ organisation generally.
All of the following must be included within your portfolio:
An introduction to the topic chosen and an explanation as to why it has been chosen
A summary of the legal framework relevant to the topic you have chosen, including an explanation of the applicable legal principles.
A consideration of the application of the current Code of Practice to the topic chosen
A consideration of the application of Trust (or other relevant) policy(ies) to the topic chosen
An analysis of the applicable legal principles, Code and policy issues, considered in 2, 3 and 4 above. As indicated in the assessment criteria below, you will be assessed on your ability to analyse the application within practice/ policy(ies) of relevant legal principles/ provisions.
A reflection on the impact in practice of the applicable legal principles, Code and policy issues, considered in 2, 3 and 4 above.
A bibliography
You should include within the portfolio any relevant documentation, attached as appendices, such as copy policies, which will not count within the word limit.
Important Note- the information that you use for your portfolio must be information that is already within the public domain, and is information that any member of the public could access. For example Trust policies that are published on the Trust’s website (or would be disclosed if a Freedom Of Information Request were made), CQC reports or documentation published by the Department of Health or Ministry of Justice, or published Inquiry reports. You should not refer to any individual cases, even where anonymised, unless the case is already in the public domain (e.g a transcript of the case has been made available). If you are in any doubt as to what information may be included then this must be discussed with the Programme Leader in advance.
Starting Your Portfolio
Before commencing your portfolio, you need to first obtain approval for the topic area chosen from the Programme Leader. This should be obtained by forwarding the attached form within the time limit specified.
Submission of Portfolio
Your completed portfolio must be submitted, together with a completed front sheet, by post to the course administrator by the date specified for submission.
Assessment Criteria
Your portfolio should be able to demonstrate your ability to:
Analyse appropriate sources thoroughly
Analyse the application of legal principles and provisions within practice and/ policy(ies)
Identify issues which are central to the topic chosen
Correctly identify and apply relevant material in the context of your topic.
Demonstrate accurate knowledge and understanding of the legal principles applicable to the question
Cite relevant sources accurately and appropriately in support of your findings
Demonstrate clarity of expression and appropriate terminology
Demonstrate accurate spelling and grammar
100 marks
Chosen topic is – Community Treatment Orders
Please use references from the Mental Health Act 1983 (ammended 2007) and the Code of Practicre 2015.
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