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Snowy Resort and Ski school

– Assignment

I am the newly apppointed remuneration manager for Snowy Resort and ski school. Snowly is the only 5 start resort that operates its own ski school in NSW. We have both resorts and schools in both Thredbo and Perish.
Snowy’s employees are covered by a nmber of different awards and conditions of employment. Non – seasonal employees are able to salary package . packing is curently handled in house by way of a spreadsheet.
Snwoy has 300 employees in the off- eaason but employes approximately 600 more employees during ski season (mid May until Mid Oct). payrol is currently processed bya team of 3 during the off-season and by a team of 8 during ski season. All employees are paid fortnightly. The payrol team make up schoold be reviewed as part of system selection process. you should include job descriptions for each team member that will make up the new team after your review.
Snowyis aming at become a “Green: employer and reduce its corporate carbon footprint. All departments within the business, including HR/payroll, need to implement “green” policies and procedures and rduce the use of paper within the business. Please include a brief report on how your recmmened system wil meet our green criteria.
The senor management team at Snowy is looking to you for the best way forward. We want you to recommend suitable HR models and a new payroll sytem or service that will bring this to your business. We have no prefered option and we are wiling to consider fuly outsourced or in-house options as well as a combination of any option or service prioviders. The company has no restrictions on the cost of implementing this project, however cost justification is essential.

Assignment Due Date: 16 December 2015
Hints and Tips
You are prepare a report for the senior management of Snowy resort and ski school showing all your research, evaluation and recommendations and reasons for your choice of methodology and your choice of suppliers.
You must assess real and commercially available systems in the Australian marketplace. – the listing in the payroll market. You can get system information from this website: www.
What we are looking for is that you have a complete understanding of the process. if you have to “make up” costs, that is fine. Not to call or email vendors directly to ask about system costs or the products and services. Instead use their website to access information and specifications about their product.
Your assignment will be assessed on a number of factors – as well as covering the main issues mentioned in the assignment itself. Here is a list of things we will look for:
• A comparison of outsourced, in-house, SAAS HR/Payroll options showing the benefits and drawbacks of each option and discussing the reasons why the option you select is best for Snowy.
• The staffing level of your team – you need to decide on your new team make up- do you have the right number of staff for thework that needs to be done both in payroll? Provide full job specifications and skills requirements for each position you ultimately have I the payroll team.

Examples of what we will be looking at when we mark the assignment:
1. In the assignment we give your certain information, but not full information about Snowy. e.g. “300 employees in the off-season but employees approximately 600 more during ski season.”
You are free to make your own assumptions/decisions on these and other matters not fully detailed – e.g. where the payroll team will be based, break-up of the type of employees in Snowy operations, shift patterns of work, the salary being paid to each of your payroll team members, the skill level or training needs each your new team members require etc – and build these into your selection and recommendation processes.
2. Do not just say “we put together a needs a wants list and have assessed possible suppliers against the list”, show the list you developed, why you included each item on it and each vendor’s ability or inability to meet those needs or wants ( this is one of the key we mark on)
3. When thinking about HR modules, do not just make a list of what the systems you assess can provide. Before you even get to that point (so in your needs and wants list) decide what HR functions Snowy will benefit from and tell Snowy senior management why (e.g. Snowy would greatly benefit from a “yy” module because xxx) – then build this into your selection process.
4. In the past, many have fallen into the “trap” of only doing the evaluation, assessment and selection process for the payroll software but not also doing the same for the timekeeping methodology or the other business partners they have also selected. Make sure you fully assess and reference check everything you are making a final recommendation about.
5. Think about how all the systems you select will work together and how they will work with Snowy’ GL, finance, stock control, client database and desk bank programmers (talk about interfaces etc).
6. All employees are paid fortnightly – please do not change the pay cycles as part of selection or implementation processes.
7. Sometimes there is more to an issue than you might initially think – e.g. many previous assignments have just limited their information on disaster recovery to saying “disaster recovery is vested”. This answer is unacceptable for this assignment. – it is not sufficiently detailed enough for Snowy to know whether you have protected its payroll information. What about any paper records? What if there is a system failure? What if you cannot get phone access to the provider? Etc.
8. Please ensure your Executive Summary is actually an Executive Summary and not just a summary of why you have to write the report. A good definition of what an Executive Summary really is can be found at the link: your Executive Summary should be no longer than 2 pages.
9. Your bibliography – this one of the first things I mark in the exam. In recent years I have come across assignments that do not list even one payroll software products’ website. Please ensure your bibliography contains all the information you used to research your assignment.

When making the assignment we assume the role of Snowy senior management who has to approve the expenditure on a new system/s.
• In the “B” assignment we are confident that appropriate level of research and evaluation ahs been done, and as such we are happy to approve the recommendation
• In the “A” assignment, it says you will do a reference check, but we do not know what you are checking or that is was even done.
• Sometimes there is more to an issue than you might initially think – e.g. many previous assignments have just limited their information on disaster recovery to saying “disaster recovery is vested”. This answer is unacceptable for this assignment. – it is not sufficiently detailed enough for Snowy to know whether you have protected its payroll information. What about any paper records? What if there is a system failure? What if you cannot get phone access to the provider? Etc.
To achieve maximum marks you should ensure that you fully document and anser all sreas of the assignment that are listed above. There are more than 20 items in the list and we will be marking your work on each of these matters.

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