Review of Organizational Assessment Instruments: 3-4 pages, double spaced, APA formatted
DUE DATE: Sunday May 22nd at 11:59pm on Canvas
The goal of this assignment is to become familiar with the process of organizational assessment and use of critical thinking with regard to the implementation of instruments for organizational assessment. This process requires a review of the organizational assessment instruments provided in the course Canvas website and your written responses to the following:
Read all of the instruments provided on the course Canvas website. You do not need to write a description of all of the assessments in the written part of the assignment, just read each of them thoroughly.
Choose 3 instruments for focus of this assignment. Consider instruments that are of interest to you based on work you have done in the past or work you are currently doing (paid or unpaid; social work or other position).
Choose 1 question from each of the instruments that you feel might be challenging to ask of an individual social worker and write a written response to the following for each question you choose:
What might some of the challenges be in utilizing this question with front line staff and why might it be challenging? (e.g., how might the question be received; what might come up for a front line staff person when this question is asked of them?)
What might some of the challenges be in utilizing this question with management staff and why might it be challenging? (e.g., how might the question be received; what might come up for a front line staff person when this question is asked of them?)
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