Guidelines for question responses:
1. Please restate the question in its entire format. You may cut and paste the question or retype it.
2. Each response shall be written in MLA format, Times New Roman, 12 point font, and 1” margins.
3. Each response shall be double spaced.
4. Each response shall have examples from the documents to support your arguments. You may use other documents, No credit will be given otherwise to a response that does not specifically mention the primary source.
5. There is a minimum length for each response. Each response should be at least one page long.
a. Please note this is double spaced.
b. Please note this does NOT include the question restated. In essence, this means that your response will be closer to 1 ½ pages with the question restated in its entirety.
c. Responses not meeting the minimum guidelines will receive no credit.
d. In reality, your responses will be longer than this to answer each portion of the question.
6. These responses will be submitted via eCampus by the date in your syllabus.
7. No assignments will be accepted late.
Primary Source Analysis QUESTIONS:
Based upon your reading of these selected primary documents and incorporating such secondary sources as your textbook and lecture notes, I would like you to answer the following 4 Questions. Please provide specific examples from these documents that support your arguments.
Please be very sure to answer all parts of each question coherently to earn full points.
1) What relationships of power are featured in “Virginian Luxuries” (Document 1)? How are unequal power relationships reflected in Toqueville’s distinctions between the three races (Document 2)? What future does Toqueville predict for these groups of people and why? Based upon your own knowledge, how accurate do you believe Toqueville’s observations and predictions were?
2) What relationships of power are featured in “The Discord” (Document 3)? How does the Declaration of Sentiments (Document 4) reveal the nature of gender relationships in nineteenth century America? Based upon your knowledge of this time period, do you agree with these sentiments, why or why not?
3) What are Abraham Lincoln’s views on the institution of slavery and notion of racial equality (Documents 5 and 6)? Because these speeches were made on the “campaign trail,” how much do you believe these statements reflect Lincoln’s real thoughts or do you believe he is “playing politics?”
4) Based upon your knowledge of the Civil War and reading of the Reconstruction Amendments (Document 7), in what specific ways were the questions and crises of liberty and unequal power relationships contained in these various documents resolved or exacerbated by the 1870s?
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