My paper will be divided into the following:
• Abstract (400 words)
• Introduction (1500 words)
The history and reason of the oil reduction
• Literature (4000 words)
How affected organizations react in Gulf region.
• Research question (1000 words)
Looking specifically at Qatar, what have organizations in this country done?
• Method (1000 words)
Three or four case studies (in Qatar) including RasGas Company
• Results (3000 words)
Chose two (2) case studies to discuss more (RasGas company will be one of the companies and another company that can be significant differences between them for comparison.
• Discussion (2000 words)
Compare the previous two Case Studies with what have been discussed in the Literature chapter (are they followed what has been written in the literature or not, if yes or no, reason and differences should be clarified. What is the best case to be followed explaining the reason, strength, weakness and achievements)
• Conclusion (1500 words)
Summary of above
Total number of words should be limited with fifteen thousands (15000) words, so 600 words are remaining that can be distributed within the chapters as per the writer needs.
Please add tables, figures, charts etc.. (List of tables and list of figures should be listed before the abstract)
Below are some journals and articles the writer may use:
The Petroleum Economist
Financial Times newspaper and The Economist
Sustainable Energy Management
Academy of Management Journal
Administrative Science Quarterly
Journal of Management
Journal of Management Studies
Harvard Business Review
British Journal of Management
California Management Review
MIT Sloan Management Review
International Journal of Management Reviews
Academy of Management Perspectives
Journal of Management Inquiry
International Review of Administrative Sciences
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
European Management Journal
European Business Review
International Studies of Management and Organization
Competition and Change
Journal of General Management
Scandinavian Journal of Management
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Management Decision
International Journal of Management and Decision Making
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management
Philosophy of Management
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