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You should write a short introduction to this document.                                             [3]


  • Preparatory questions to be completed in this document prior to the laboratory, saved and submitted to Turnitin. Please use ONLY the spaces provided and remove the yellow highlighted phrases. Note the allocation of marks.


Q1 Explain the difference between absolute and gauge pressure measurement?  [2]






Q2 Sketch a pressure-volume diagram of the ideal Otto and Diesel, air-standard cycles? [6]



Otto cycle























Diesel Cycle




























Q3 Calculate the maximum force acting on an internal combustion engine piston of cylinder bore 75 mm when subjected to a peak combustion cylinder pressure of 122 bar?                                 [2]





















Q4 Sketch a plot to show typically how engine power and torque vary with engine speed? Remember to include the engine specification, any test conditions and the source of information                                                                                                                                                                                                       [4]






















Q5 Using the engine DATA in APPENDIX 2 ONLY and the nomenclature/formulae provided in APPENDICES 3 and 4, calculate the following:


  • Brake Power (kW)                                                                                       [2]












  • Volumetric efficiency (%)                                                                           [2]













  • Fuel mass flow rate (kg/s)                                                                            [2]












  • Power from combustion (kW)                                                                    [2]











  • Discussion and Conclusion

What conclusions can you draw from this study? Were the results as anticipated? Provide your own commentary.                                                                                                                                                  [3]

  • References

Include a full list of resources that you consulted.  You should look into how to cite references correctly.                                                                                                                                                                

  • Bibliography

This section is for a list of resources that you consulted but DID NOT CITE in the main text of the report.  Ensure that you do know the differences between REFERENCES and BIBLIOGRAPHY.






A 4-cylinder, 1.6 litre (1.6 x 10-3 m3), 4 stroke petrol engine

Assume following measured data:

  • Atmospheric pressure pa = 760 mmHg
  • Room temperature Ta = 25 ºC
  • Engine speed N = 2900 rpm
  • Engine torque T = 46 Nm
  • Fuel flow  = 0.002 litre.s-1 = 2 x 10-6 m3s-1
  • Air flow  = 1900 litre.min-1 = 0.031666 m3s-1


Assume following constants:

  • Fuel calorific value CV = 45000 kJkg-1
  • Fuel density rf  = 748 kgm-3
  • Mercury density rHg = 13500 kgm-3
  • Gas constant for air R = 287 Jkg-1 K-1
  • Specific heat capacity exhaust gas/air Cp,a = 02 kJ kg-1K-1
  • Specific heat capacity coolant water Cp,cw = 2 kJ kg-1 K-1
  • APPENDIX 3.0
  • NOTE: the quantities measured in the experiment are in a variety of inconsistent units and should be converted to a standard set of units prior to any analysis.
  • Atmospheric pressure
 Height of the mercury column in the barometermm
 Density of mercurykgm-3
 Acceleration due to gravityms-2
 Absolute pressure of atmospherePa
  • Temperatures
 Measured Celsius temperature of substance iº C
 Kelvin Temperature of substance iK


exhaust gas,     i = ex

cooling water,             i = cw

air at inlet,       i = a,in



Swept (Displaced) Volume of LABORATORY Engine


 Displaced volume of enginecm3
 Displaced volume of enginem3

(3-cylinder Skoda Fabia)


Engine speed


 Measured rotational speed of the enginerpm
 Rotational speed of the enginerev.s-1
 Rotational speed of the enginerad.s-1


Fuel Flow Rate







Volume flow rate of fuel




 Density of fuelkgm-3
 Mass flow rate of fuelkgs-1




Air Flow Rate


 Measured inlet air volume flow ratel.min-1
 Volume flow rate of air into enginem3s-1
 Inlet air temperatureK
 Gas constant for airJ/kg-1K-1
 Inlet air densitykgm-3
 Air mass flow ratekgs-1




DEFINITIONS AND CALCULATED QUANTITIES – You will need Figures 1 and 2 and Appendix 3 for nomenclature


  • Volumetric Efficiency (how well does the engine ‘breath’?)


measured flow rate of air / theoretical flow rate of air for the displaced (swept) volume and speed


This is for an engine operating on a 4-stroke cycle.

        (where engine speed, N´ in rev.s-1,  in m3s-1, displaced volume, VD in m3)


B. Indicated Power



(where IMEP is the measured indicated mean effective pressure)


  1. Brake Power


 Dynamometer torqueNm
 Brake powerW

(where N* is the engine speed in rads-1)


  1. Rate of Energy (power) Loss to Cooling Water


 Cooling water inlet temperatureK
 Cooling water outlet temperatureK
 Specific heat capacity of the cooling water (watch the units!)4.2 kJkg-1K-1
 Rate of energy (power) loss to cooling waterW



  1. Rate of Energy (power) Loss to Exhaust


 Air inlet temperatureK
 Exhaust outlet temperatureK
 Specific heat capacity of air (watch the units!)1.02 kJkg-1K-1
 Rate of energy (power) loss to exhaustW


  1. Fuel Power





Calorific value of fuel (watch the units!)



 Fuel powerW



  (where CVis the calorific value for Gasoline 95 RON, is the mass flow rate of fuel in kgs-1)





Indicated mean effective pressure

(average pressure over a cycle in the combustion chamber)






Suggested reading


  • Breithaupt J., (2003) “Physics 2nd Ed”, Palgrave-MacMillan, ISBN 1403900558
  • Serway, A. (2004), “Physics for scientists and engineers”, Thomson Brooks/Cole, ISBN 0534423981
  • Holman J.P. (1994), “Experimental methods for engineers”, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0070296669
  • Ray, M., (1988), “Engineering experimentation – Ideas, techniques and Presentation”, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0070841845
  • Wheeler A., Ganji A., (2004) “Introduction to engineering experimentation”, Pearson Education, ISBN 0131246852
  • The Testing of Internal Combustion Engines by Arthur Bates; Lucas, G. G.; Young, Sydney John Greene

ISBN 13: 9780340053683 ISBN 10: 0340053682 Hardcover London: English Universities P., 1969.

  • Applied Thermodynamics for Engineering Technologists, 5th Edition D. Eastop, A. Mcconkey Mar 1993, Paperback, 736 pages ISBN13: 9780582091931 ISBN10: 0582091934.
  • Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines by Richard Stone, 3rd Ed. (659 pages) Macmillan 1999
  • Internal Combustion Engines, Applied Thermosciences, C.R. Ferguson and A.T. Kirkpatrick, 2nd edition, Wiley, 2001.
  • Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, J.B. Heywood, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
  • Specifications for Reciprocating internal combustion Engine’s Performance- BSI



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