Hello, I’m applying for PU university and asking for personal essay. Imapplaying for PHD degree in management.
The question: (each question in 1 page)
A. What are your career objectives in pursuing a doctoral degree in Business Administration?
B. Why have you chosen to apply to the PU University for graduate study? and how will this graduate business program help you achieve these goals?
C. Describe any previous research that you have done, as well as the kind of research you wish to pursue during your graduate studies and beyond.
Here are some information about me, so you can write the Personal Statement (question 1).
a) what’s motivate me the most to get my PHD is to build my knowledge, so i can give back to my country which gave all the opportunities and i want to change my country for a better country
I want to educate my self, so I can educate my nation. I want to gain knowledge in field of management and organization so I can change my country. The area of management and human resource is the driver that drive the nation to improveJoin a good school will help me to reach my goal.
b) choosing a good school will help me to gain knowalge, specially PU is one of the best school in the nation. And it always been a dream to me to join a prestige’s business school
c) I didn’t many research in my education career, but my biggest research accomplish which I deducted was my dissertation for my master’s degree “A contextualized analysis of Sainsbury’s” In short, sainsburey’s is the second big supermarket in UK. I studied their financial performance and why things have happened. So I applied all what I learn from my MBA in this research. My knowlage in his era helped to preform the reserch human resourse management, financial, management, business envirment and context, strategic management, marketing management. kind of research i wish to pursue during mygraduate studies and beyond is Organization Theory. So ican meet my objectives, which to improve my country
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