What are the barriers to engaging men and boys in preventing violence against women?
This is an essay and should conform to an essay style. Each essay should be structured as follows:
First paragraph: Introduction. The introduction tells your reader what the essay is going to say, what your main argument is, and how you are going to support your argument. For example, if your essay is about increasing rates of women in prison, then your introduction would say “This essay argues that increasing rates of women in prison is due to [etc]. Drawing on prison statistics and the theories of [etc], the essay shows that increasing rates of women in prison is not due to increasing crime rates, but, instead, it is due to[etc]. This argument is illustrated using the example of [etc].” And so on. Do not make the mistake of explaining the core issues of your essay in the introduction.
Second paragraph: Background. In this paragraph, immediately after the introduction, you should explain the core issues of the essay. For example, if you are writing about incarcerated women, then this is the paragraph in which you provide statistics, explain trends and so on. This gives the reader the basic information that they need to understand the rest of your argument. You may need two paragraphs to provide enough background information, depending on the topic you choose.
Third to the fifth/sixth paragraph: Lay out your argument. Each paragraph should have a clear purpose.
Conclusion: The conclusion explains what the reader should have learnt through the course of your essay. Remember that you are responsible for taking the reader on a journey with a destination, in which they follow your argument throughout your essay, leading to your conclusion. The written conclusion summarizes your argument and shows the reader what you’ve accomplished in the essay.
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