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NR351-10133 Week 6 Assignment: Professional Paper


  1. Carefully read these directions and the grading rubric below.
  2. Download the required template below under Template.
  3. Rename that template as Your Last Name Professional Paper.docx. This must be saved as a Microsoft Word document (.docx). Save it to your own computer or flash drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your assignment directly on the saved document. Save your work often.
  4. View the Week 6 Professional Paper Tutorial below.
  5. In the NR351 Announcements, locate the announcement entitled IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Weeks 4 & 6 Assignments. In this announcement you will find:
    1. The link to the assigned article (you must be logged into the Chamberlain Library before clicking the link). Download this article in PDF format to your own computer for use in this assignment. Read the entire article once downloaded and saved.
    2. The location of the required sentence for the quotation and citation.
    3. The location of the required sentence for paraphrasing and citation.
    4. NOTE: This is the same article used for the Week 4 Professional Paper Worksheet.
  6. This assignment must use the required article stated in the announcement described above to complete the following items:
    1. Title Page
    2. Introduction
      1. Explain that this paper is a summary of the assigned article
      2. Explain that the impact of the article contents on your own future practice will be presented
      3. Length of Introduction must be 50-75 words
    3. Assigned Article Summary
      1. Clearly summarize the major content of the assigned article. This should be an improved version of your Week 4 submission.
      2. One or two short quotations with citations (must include the assigned sentence for quotation)
      3. Several paraphrased areas with citations (must include the assigned sentence for paraphrasing)
      4. Length must be 175-200 words
    4. Impact of Assigned Article Content on Future Practice
      1. Clearly state how learning from the assigned article will impact your future practice
      2. Must be your own ideas about the impact of the article on your future nursing practice
      3. Use first person in this section
      4. No citations are needed in this section
      5. Length must be 125-150 words
    5. Conclusion
      1. Write a concise summary of the main points of the paper
      2. Provide a concluding statement
      3. Length must be 75-100 words
    6. Reference for the assigned article should be a revised version of the Week 4 reference improved based on your instructor’s Week 4 feedback. Include the following:
      1. Author(s)
      2. Year
      3. Article title
      4. Journal name
      5. Volume number
      6. Issue number
      7. Page numbers
      8. Parentheses
      9. Double line spacing
      10. Hanging indent
      11. DOI if available
  7. Each of required items above is clearly described on the Professional Paper Template and Rubric (below on this page).
  8. When your Week 6 Professional Paper Assignment is completed, save and close the completed template. Follow the submission instructions at the top of this page to upload your assignment.


How to Place an Order 

Send the assignment details such as the instructions, due date/deadline, number of pages and college level to the customer support agent online on live chat,  fill in the assignment details at place an order or send the information to our email address and a customer support agent will respond to you immediately. 

Once you place your order, we choose for you the best and competent writer for your assignment based on each writer’s competence in handling a subject. 

When the homework is completed, we have a quality assurance team that proofreads the assignment to ensure it meets the required rubric instructions from your professor.

After thorough review of your assignment, we send the paper to the client. In case you need any changes at this point, you can let us know so that we can handle it for you at no extra charge. 

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