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Language and Power in Asian

1. Discuss ways in which people can use different language varieties (different registers, different
dialects, different languages) to achieve their personal or political goals. Use examples form
Indonesian society/societies as the context for your discussion
2. Is there anything unique about politeness practices in Javanese? What factors govern the choice of
different language registers in Javanese? (You can compare this with politeness practices in other
languages such as Indonesian, Sundanese or Japanese)
3. How was the emergence of Indonesian as a national language been affected by colonialism and
nationalism? How has the Indonesian language ben consolidated as a language of national identity
since the independence of the country in the 1940s? You can choose to look at this from a combination
of different historical, political and/or social perspectives.
4. What effect have different kinds of power structures – political, religious, social or cultural – had on
Arabic? (You can compare the situation before modern times (c.1800) with the modern era (after 1800)
or you can look solely at modern times. Because this question is particularly open-ended, you should
discuss your approach with Tim or Roger before you get too far into it.)
5. What effect have different kinds of power structures – political, religious, social or cultural – had on the
language use in Iran? (You can look at change historically over time or you can look solely at the
contemporary situation. Because this question is particularly open-ended, you should discuss your
approach with Tim Roger before you get too far into it.)
6. What forces can motivate a community to shift from a local indigenous language to a dominant
language as their primary means of communication? In what ways have communities worked to
counter these forces or to otherwise maintain language vitality? Compare the situations in two or three
communities in different parts of the Asia-Pacific region.



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