Your final teach is to be developed for a classroom of 20 students.
Create two classroom diagrams (whole group and small group) for this specific lesson plan by creating computer generated diagrams with the physical layouts of your classroom with a minimum of 20 students including:
• 2 students who are English Language Learners (ELLs):
1 student with limited English proficiency is of Cuban origin, Spanish being their primary language.
1 student with limited English proficiency is of Haitian origin, Creole and French being their primary languages.
• 2 students who have been identified as part of the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program:
1 student has been identified as dyslexic. This student confuses letter names and sounds, demonstrates difficulty with blending sounds into words and exhibits a slow rate of reading while also struggling to remember what was read.
1 student has been identified as having Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), demonstrating issues with concentration and focus. This student is easily distracted, impulsive, can’t sit still, loses interest easily and tends to daydream.
• 2 students with more than typical behavior problems
• 14 general education students
2. You must identify where each of the groups of students (see bold face type above) are seated in your two classroom maps (whole group and small group) and a rationale for their placement. You should have a paragraph for each group listed above (ELLs, ESEs, More than Typical Behavior problems, and General Education Students) that explains where an dwhy you have seated these students during whole group and small group instruction.
3. Each computer generated diagram for your two classroom diagrams must graphically display the below noted items and must be individually labeled; do not use symbols or abbreviations as they relate to each physical structure:
A. Seating arrangements that promote a cooperative learning environment for your lesson plan (please include an arrow to display the direction of seats)
B. Labels for desks of each of the students described above. Please include a Legend or Key if you choose to use acronyms as labels. This is the only location where acronyms will be accepted if a legend accompanies the layout.
C. The teacher’s desk: Keep in mind that teacher’s should spend minimal time at the teacher’s desk, using proximity to evaluate behavior and understanding-even when students are testing. Teachers should only be at the teacher’s desk when students are out of the classroom or when conferencing with a student.
D. Small group teaching station: Small group instruction is most readily associated with reading instruction. This is a teacher-directed area where 5-6 students are homogeneously grouped based on academic performance. Here, the teacher is able to meet individual student needs while differentiating instruction. While the teacher works with a small group, the remaining groups (homogeneous in nature as well) should be rotating centers where academic concepts are reinforced. All groups should have an opportunity to experience each center by the end of the week.
E. A minimum of three center areas (such as library center, math center, etc.) in addition to the small group teaching station and the computer station.
4. Include your classroom rules you developed for your classroom and three procedures you would need your students to know for this lesson.
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