Some of published papers on Strategic Management are conceptual papers that present a conceptual review of some strategic management issue(s). These papers do not follow the statistical approach; rather they use analysis, synthesis, or derivation.
In order to analyze a conceptual paper, you need to start with a short summary that tells the reader what the published study is all about, why it is important, and how it has been carried out.
Typically, analysis of a conceptual paper should contain the following elements:
1. A clear description of the study topic, including a summary of what is already known about that topic.
2. A one-sentence statement of the study’s research question that the published paper seeks to answer. (This is almost always something that is not known.) The conceptual paper should connect this question to the existing literature — something that almost always takes more than one sentence to accomplish.
3. A demonstration of why it is important to answer this research question. What good comes of this answer? Why is this published study worth anybody’s time to read?
4. A description of how the researcher went about answering the research question. This includes:
a. a description of the logic or method used by the author to analyze the strategic issue addressed in the paper;
b. a demonstration of how the article given assumptions and analytic method have answered the research question; and
c. a description of how the author has derived his article conclusion(s).
5. A paragraph about the study results (findings) and what is new about them (study contribution).
6. A statement of the limitations of this research study, specifically the things that it could not discover or answer (and why).
7. A summary of any further issues that may arise in the research process for future research attempts.
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