Project will be on refugees and forced migration. Looking at the crises in Europe.
Please follow the instruction below:
Abstract contains no more than 300 words.
Abstract describes the main purpose of the research study
Abstract describes independent and dependent variables
Abstract is clearly written and free of grammatical errors
Abstract describes research question and proposed methods
Phase 1: Questionnaire Design
Step 1: Write your research question. Choose one independent variable that you think will be most related to your dependent variable. Modify your research question by including it:
Step 2: Write your hypothesis. Write a hypothesis about what you think is the likely answer to this research question. Remember, your hypothesis should testable and falsifiable: you should be able to imagine different results that would “support” or “not support” your hypothesis.
Step 3: Construct your questionnaire. Construct a questionnaire that includes all of your measures of independent and dependent variables. Include several additional items in the questionnaire to make it less obvious what your research question is (and to make it less likely that your questionnaire format will bias the responses). Follow the principles of questionnaire construction discussed in the book and in class. Your questionnaire should have a minimum of 10 separate items/questions.
Phase 2: Execution
Step 4: Choose a sampling procedure. Decide how you will get respondents to fill out the questionnaire. Consider who you want to get to fill out the survey and what would be the best way to get those people to take the survey. It is probably best to use some form of convenience sampling, due to the limited time constraints.
Phase 3: Analysis Set-Up
Step 5: Create codebook. After you collect your data, you need to quantify all of your data. This is done because analysis of the data can only be done when all your data are in numerical form. Start with a copy of your survey, and assign numerical values to all response categories. For example, if you use a Likert scale, you could code the responses like this: (strongly disagree = 1, disagree = 2, no opinion = 3, agree = 4, strongly agree = 5). If you ask someone’s sex, you could code male = 0 and female = 1. In addition, you will have to assign a name for each variable, no more than 8 letters each. Your “codebook” will take the form of your original survey with variable names written to the left of each questionnaire item and numerical codes written next to each response category.
Step 6: Determine Analysis Type. Based on your independent and dependent variables, choose which analysis type you will use. The Salkind book provides a good overview of analysis types. Everyone will be required to discuss the use of descriptive statistics in their survey. Report which analysis you will be conducting and which variables you will be using.
Step 7: Description of respondents (univariate analysis of independent variables) and dependent variable. Describe the characteristics of your potential respondents, based on your survey set-up. For some variables, it is appropriate to report the mean, median, or mode. For some variables, it is appropriate to report the frequency distribution. For doing this, it is usually not necessary to present the data in the form of a chart or table; simply describing it is usually sufficient. However, if one of your independent variables uses a lot of response categories, it may be more efficient to portray the data in visual form. Use your best judgment about whether or not you should do this.
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