- Research and analyse factors that influence effectiveness of work performance in community services
Various factor i.e. changes in govt. policy, funding, changes in current best practice, new/change in legislation, staff productivity related to training/competency level
- Identify a gap in work performance that impacts the Organisations effectiveness.
This could range from a simple process i.e. communication methods to a gap in staff understanding of current practice or organisational policy
- Develop (and describe) a process or action to promote quality performance and improve the organisations effectiveness
Process/action the student develops should improve the organisations effectiveness.
- Identify and describe the role and responsibilities of key people within the organisation who have influence and may provide support to your plan. These people may or may not be in management positions.
Will depend on the organisation but may include stakeholders/clients family reps/ supervisors, managers, CEO, board/committee members
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the organisations management/ leadership, include lines of authority and communication and determine why these are or are not effective
Will depend on the organisation but may include hierarchical communication and supervision – e.g. this can be ineffective leadership as staff often have good ideas but cannot take them to upper management or the board. Participatory communication – staff can approach all stakeholders through communication channels i.e. web based ideas boards and suggestion boxes, staff and client reps on committee
- Identify the factors that impact the leadership styles in the organisation.
Will depend on the organisation the organisations approach to leadership – managerial/transactional. Transformational/bureaucratic…..what to see the student identify the cons of the leadership styles in the organisation
- Identify strategies you can implement to maintain strategic alliances and consultation structures
Identify key personnel/ stakeholders and invite to participate in the development and implementation of the process/action. Provide regular updates, as advice, use communication and interpersonal skills – involve people, be respectful, show positive leadership enthusiastic, negotiate positive outcomes, offer assistance, response to prejudice and discrimination in consistent manner value differences, effective communication – nonverbal paraphrasing, listening feedback, clarifying
- Develop strategies to promote your plan to improve organisational effectiveness
Will depend on student and org may include: identify key personnel/stakeholders and inviteto participate in the development and implementation of the process/action; could use-posters, flyers team meetings, individual/group training, internet, brochures and pamphlets
- Establish a process to review your plan – who, how, what, when
Who how what when – may include stakeholder feedback surveys, team meetings, suggestion boxes
- Evaluate the implementation of your plan for continuous improvement– what worked what didn’t?
- Gain and report feedback from key personnel about the implementation of your process/action – what do they think? What do they recommend for future?
- Reflect on you own leadership:
- Describe your communication and interpersonal skills – what worked what didn’t work?
- Describe your leadership; what worked what didn’t work?
- How could you improve your leadership, including communication and interpersonal skills?
- Identify areas for improvement in your process/ action
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