- Length: One (1) page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12 font.
- Points: You will receive a maximum of ten (10) points for each report.
Grading: Your reports will be evaluated as follows:
- Content (3 points)
- a) Accuracy: Did you identify the musical genre, title and composer of the selection), instruments and performance technique (including vocal and dance styles) correctly?
- b) Completeness: Did you provide all of the required information that was identified in the track instructions?
- c) Supporting Detail: Did you support your statements with actual examples from the track or the readings?
- Paragraph Construction (2 points)
- a) Unity: Are your paragraphs focused? Are all the sentences in the paragraph related to the main point?
- b) Coherence: Do your paragraphs flow logically? Do they make sense?
- Conventional Academic Grammar (3 pts.)
- a) Sentence Construction: Have you been careful to avoid incomplete sentences, misplaced modifiers?
- b) Verbs: Do you have correct verb and subject agreement? Use of correct verb forms?
- Vocabulary (2 pts.)
- a) Usage: Have you used words with the correct meaning?
- b) Spelling: Have you spelled your words correctly?
- Report 9 (Huapango Song): CD 3. Select ONE of the following:
- a) Track 5, Serenata Huasteca (Miguel Aceves Mejía)
- b) Track 6, Rogaciano el Huapanguero (Ixya Herrera)
- c) Track 8, El Jinete (José Feliciano)
Include the title, the name of the composer (if known) and of the performer. Describe the singing style. Comment on the vocalist’s breath control and vowel placement. Was there use of chest voice or falsete? Comment on the lyrics (see translations in course reader) . Is the song defiant, tender, passionate, remorseful, detached? Is there any imagery used? Is there any message? Identify the type of instrumental accompaniment. Comment on the strumming. Is it the same as what you heard in the other types of Mexican songs?
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