No Introduction or a conclusion, just four full pages
As a psychologist, social worker, counselor, therapist, researcher, mental health professional, or educator, your profession will utilize some form of tests and measurements. Even if you do not plan on administering tests, you still need to understand the results described in evaluation reports. Even if you will not need to read reports of evaluations, you will need to keep current with the professional literature.
Using the Mental Measurements Yearbook Database Library Psychology Databases page, locate a scholarly review of a specific standardized psychological or educational test you would likely use in your current or future profession. Write a critical analysis of the selected test, based on the scholarly review and on support from a minimum of five additional, relevant resources.
Address the following in your paper:
1. Identify the following:
o The full name of the test.
o The publisher’s stated purpose of the test.
o The standardization sample and age range for the test’s use.
2. Explain your rationale for selecting this standardized test. Include a description of the population, psychological condition, or psychological disorder of interest that corresponds to the test’s purpose and future use.
3. Present the forms of validity evidence that have been collected for your selected test.
o Describe the methods used to collect the validity evidence.
o Report validity coefficients, if applicable.
o Evaluate the test’s validity based upon the reported validity coefficients.
4. Present the forms of reliability evidence that have been collected for your selected test.
o Describe the methods used to collect the reliability evidence.
o Report reliability coefficients.
o Evaluate the test’s reliability based upon the reported reliability coefficients.
5. Based upon your research, make an argument for or against using your selected psychological test in your current or future occupation.
Additional Requirements
• APA formatting: Your paper must be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting, including the following:
Please use this scholar article as your selected standardized psychological test.
Trends in GRE scores and graduate enrollments by gender and ethnicity April Bleske-Rechek a, ⁎, Kingsley Browne b a Psychology Department, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54702, USA b Wayne State University Law School, 471 West Palmer, Detroit, MI 48202, USA
Relevant resources
• Domino, G., & Domino, M. L. (2006). Psychological testing: An introduction (2nd ed.). Cambridge, NJ: Cambridge University Press.
• Sackett, P. R., Borneman, M. J., & Connelly, B. S (2008). High-stakes testing in higher education and employment: Appraising the evidence for validity and fairness. American Psychologist, 63(4), 215–227.
• Edwards, W. R., & Schleicher, D. J. (2004, September). On selecting psychology graduate students: Validity evidence for a test of tacit knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96(3), 592–602.
• Supple, A. J., Peterson, G. W., & Bush, K. R. (2004, September).Assessing the validity of parenting measures in a sample of Chinese adolescents. Journal of Family Psychology, 18(3), 539–544.
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