Answer one question using two texts:
1. 1. In several of the texts studied during the semester, the emotional or psychological journey of an individual reflects or symbolises the journey of the nation or society in which the individual lives. As such, these stories about individuals tell us much about the nations and regions of Europe. Discuss on the basis of at least TWO texts.
2. Memory is an essential component of identity. Europe, however, has many painful and divisive memories of tragedy, conflict and injustice. Discuss the ways in which at least TWO texts studied during the semester critically reflect on the past, historical memory and future possibilities in the European context.
3. While the core values of a nation are the fundamental component of its collective identity, shared historical experiences and core values may transcend the ideological and territorial borders established between nations. Discuss the way in which at least TWO texts studied during the semester explore the national AND supranational nature of core values in the European context.
4. Timothy Garton Ash reflects on Europe’s need for inspiring stories that embody the shared aspirations of its people. Discuss the way in which at least TWO texts studied during the semester provide ‘European stories’ that are centred around ideals such as freedom, peace, diversity and solidarity.
* Three Colours: Blue (Krzysztof Kieslowski, France/Poland, 1993) [100 mins]
* The Man Without a Past (Aki Kaurismäki, Finland, 2002) [97 mins]
* Kolya (Jan Sverak, Czech Republic, 1996) [101 mins]
* Before the Rain (Milcho Manchevski, Macedonia/UK, 1994) [113 mins]
* Edge of Heaven (Fatih Akin, Turkey/Germany, 2007) [122 mins]
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