George is a 55 y.o. male who has had hypertension (HTN) for the last 5 years. His HTN is only partially controlled. He is trying to watch his diet, but does not exercise like he should due to his high-stress job. He is also on HTN medication. He monitors his blood pressure at home on a regular basis. For the past month he has noticed his blood pressure seems to be higher than usual and even harder to control, but figured it was due to the stress of a big project at work. In the past 2 weeks, however, he has noticed he does not feel like eating much; he is fatigued; he seems to be urinating more often; and he has been losing weight. He decides to go in to see the doctor.
George’s doctor decides to run several tests with the following results.
Blood Test Results:
RBC: 3.8 million cells/mcL
WBC: 10,000 cells/mcL
Hgb: 11.0 gm/dL
Urine Test Results:
GFR: 45 mL/min/1.73m
Creatinine: 3g/24 hr.
Protein: 3g/24 hr.
The diagnosis George received was Chronic Renal Failure.
- a)What supports the diagnosis if chronic renal failure instead of acute renal failure? Give reasons from George’s history; his signs/symptoms.
- b)Which of the blood test results are abnormal? Why would chronic kidney failure cause these abnormal results?
- c)Which of the urine test results are abnormal? Why does chronic kidney failure cause these abnormal results?
- d)If George was in the second stage of chronic renal failure, what percent of his nephrons have been lost? What changes will be seen in the GFR; urination; and percent of nephrons lost when George reaches end-stage renal failure?
- e)How will George’s condition be treated? Is it curable?
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