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This unit is dedicated to the following
Examine the fostering of rapport with the listener.
What do we mean by rapport? In sum, this week’s focus concentrates on what it means to create a bond, connection, or affinity with your audience. It does not make any difference how much you know as a communicator of the Gospel. If you do not connect with your audience, your knowledge is for naught. You have a moral obligation to build a relationship, to the extent possible, with those who will listen to you.

UNIT TWO OUTCOMES Upon completion of this unit you should be able to:
1. Identify those characteristics to pursue when attempting to create rapport.
2. Examine those characteristics to avoid when attempting to create rapport.
3. Illustrate how one will create rapport with various demographics.
4. Create an action plan for creating rapport with your audience.

 Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
 Media Clip: Public Speaking: Seven Insights: Words Which Build or Scar

 Media Clip: Worst Preacher Ever



This assignment is intended to give you the student exposure to a range of thought, from our course text, regarding those characteristics that help create rapport with the audience. This assignment aligns with the course in that rapport is needed if one is to effectively communicate the Gospel to one’s audience.

Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
 Identify those characteristics to pursue when attempting to create rapport.

 Textbook: The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching
 Media Clip: Public Speaking: Seven Insights: Words Which Build or Scar

BACKGROUND INFORMATION Our course text lists several chapters dedicated to, on one way or another, creating rapport with your listener. These chapters cover a number of issues, including:
• Preaching to everyone in particular
• The view from the pew
• Connecting hearers through dialogue
• How to be heard
• Connecting with post-moderns
• Connecting with non-Christians
• Interesting preaching

In the media clip entitled “Public Speaking,” the speaker engages the audience, modeling what it means to create rapport. Mind you, his delivery is not a sermon, but rather a brief teaching segment that could apply broadly to most any kind of communication. That said, both his content, and what he models for the viewer, could apply regarding creating rapport with one’s audience, whatever the setting.

The media clip “Worst Preacher Ever” is an extreme example of how not to create rapport with one’s audience. In fact, some of you may find it offensive. One wonders what was going through the minds of the speaker’s audience.

1. Read the following chapters in the course textbook – chapters 29, 31, 34, 36, 43, 45 and 104.
2. View the brief Media Clip: Public Speaking: Seven Insights: Words Which Build or Scar.
3. View the Media Clip: Worst Preacher Ever.

This discussion focuses on those characteristics to avoid when attempting to create rapport. This discussion aligns with this course in that if one wishes, one may learn by negative example as well as positive example. In sum, this discussion revolves around what not to do in an attempt to create rapport.

Upon completion of this assignment you should be able to:
 Examine those characteristics to avoid when attempting to create rapport.

 Media Clip: Worst Preacher Ever

The media clip you are about to watch is an extreme example of how not to create rapport with one’s audience. In fact, some of you may find it offensive. One wonders what was going through the minds of the speaker’s audience.
That said, most of us have sat through preaching that at one time or another crossed lines, alienating the audience to the point that they may have tuned out the speaker altogether. This alienation is the mark of a novice. In fact, from time to time even seasoned preachers may use words or import habits into their preaching that diminish rather than enhance rapport. While this video may be painful (again, perhaps even offensive) for you to watch, it does model what not to do when attempting to create rapport.
Please note – you are being asked to watch this video as a teaching lesson on what to avoid in an attempt to create rapport. This is not an endorsement of language, theology, or hermeneutics of the speaker.

1. Review the YouTube media clip, entitled Worst Preacher Ever.
2. For your initial post, specifically identify those things that the speaker does, which do not foster rapport with the audience including remote viewers such as yourself.

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