1. Select two of the following strategic management models:
• Porter’s Five Forces
• Industry Life Cycle
• The Cultural Web
• Porter’s Generic Strategies
• Yip’s Drivers of Internationalisation
2. Use real examples to demonstrate how the two models can be applied in the car industry.
3. Critically evaluate the 2 models, identifying their strengths and limitations. Provide some suggestions for dealing with these limitations.
4. Based on your analysis, what recommendations would you make to a car company currently developing a strategy to improve their competitiveness in this industry? Provide an explanation of how these recommendations would improve their strategy.
3000 word (+/- 10%) written assignment
Submission 13:00 Friday 18th December 2015.
You will need to submit a hard copy (handed in to the Business School Reception) and an electronic copy via Turnitin.
Marking Criteria:
The primary areas that the assignment will be marked against are:
• Structure and presentation
• Understanding of key concepts
• Analysis and argument
• Use of the literature
90-100%: a range of marks consistent with a first where the work is exceptional in all areas;
80-89%: a range of marks consistent with a first where the work is exceptional in most areas.
70-79%: a range of marks consistent with a first. Work which shows excellent content, organisation and presentation, reasoning and originality; evidence of independent reading and thinking and a clear and authoritative grasp of theoretical positions; ability to sustain an argument, to think analytically and/or critically and to synthesise material effectively.
60-69%: a range of marks consistent with an upper second. Well-organised and lucid coverage of the main points in an answer; intelligent interpretation and confident use of evidence, examples and references; clear evidence of critical judgement in selecting, ordering and analysing content; demonstrates some ability to synthesise material and to construct responses, which reveal insight and may offer some originality.
50-59%: a range of marks consistent with lower second; shows a grasp of the main issues and uses relevant materials in a generally business-like approach, restricted evidence of additional reading; possible unevenness in structure of answers and failure to understand the more subtle points: some critical analysis and a modest degree of insight should be present.
40-49%: a range of marks which is consistent with third class; demonstrates limited understanding with no enrichment of the basic course material presented in classes; superficial lines of argument and muddled presentation; little or no attempt to relate issues to a broader framework; lower end of the range equates to a minimum or threshold pass.
35-39%: achieves many of the learning outcomes required for a mark of 40% but falls short in one or more areas; not a pass grade but may be sufficient to merit progression to the next level.
30-34%: a fail; may achieve some learning outcomes but falls short in most areas; shows considerable lack of understanding of basic course material and little evidence of research.
0-29%: a fail; basic factual errors of considerable magnitude showing little understanding of basic course material; falls substantially short of the learning outcomes for compensation.
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