Module Brief
Grading Criteria
Pass Assessed in Coursework Merit Assessed in Coursework Distinction Assessed in Coursework
1.1 1 M1 1 D1 2
1.2 1 M2 1 or 2 D2 1 or 2
1.3 1 M3a 1 D3 1 or 2
1.4 2 M3b 2
2.1 1
2.2 2
2.3 2
2.4 2
2.5 2
3.1 Unit 069 – 1
3.2 Unit 069 – 1
3.3 Unit 069 – 1
Module Leader Author IV Signature
Pass criteria thatmust be achieved:
Outcomes Learner has demonstrated the ability to: Source of evidence
Outcome 1
Be able to prepare a design specification to meet customer requirements
LO1.1: establish customer requirements
Coursework 1
Questions1, 2 and 3
LO1.2: present the major design parameters
Coursework 1
Questions 6 and 7
LO1.3: obtain design information from appropriate sources and prepare a design specification
Coursework 1
Questions 4 and 5
LO1.4: demonstrate that the design specification meets requirements
Coursework 2
Question 13
Outcome 2
Be able to analyse and evaluate possible design solutions and prepare a final design report
LO2.1: produce an analysis of possible design solutions
Coursework 1
Questions 8 and 9
LO2.2: produce and evaluate conceptual designs
Coursework 2
Question 10
LO2.3: select the optimum design solution
Coursework 2
Questions11 and 12
LO2.4: carry out a compliance check
Coursework 2
Questions 11 and 12
LO2.5: produce a final design report
Coursework 2
Question 14
Outcome 3:
Understand how computer based technology is used in the engineering design process
LO 3.1: explain the key features of a computer-aided design system
Unit 69
Coursework 1 Question 3
LO 3.2: use computer-aided design software to produce a design drawing or scheme
Unit 69
Coursework 1 Question 1
LO 3.3: evaluate software that can assist the design process
Unit 69
Coursework 1 Question 4
Meritcriteria that may be achieved:
Merit Grade Descriptors Indicative Characteristics Contextualisation Source of evidence
Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
An effective approach to study and research has been applied
A brief literature review on similar products and technologies.
Understanding customer requirements and transforming into technical requirements, reflected in PDF.
Coursework 1
Questions 1 through to 5
Select and/or design and apply appropriate methods and/or techniques
A range of methods and techniques have been applied
Identifying and using appropriate tools in evaluation and selection process of a most suitable solution.
Coursework 1
Questions6 through to 9
Coursework 2
Questions 10to through 12
Present and communicate appropriate findings
A range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used
Professional presentation in report and oral and on time submission.
All questions
Distinction criteria that may be achieved:
Distinction Grade Descriptors Indicative Characteristics Contextualisation Source of evidence
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified
The selection of the best design has been arrived by the synthesis of various concepts and it has been Justified.
Coursework 2
Questions 11 and 12
Take responsibility for managing and organising activities
The importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved
Evaluation has taken place to demonstrate the Interdependence of various aspects in designing the best product
Coursework 1
Questions 8 and 9
Coursework 2
Questions 10 and 14
Demonstrate convergent/ lateral/ creative thinking
Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied
Innovative product was designed. Coursework 1
Questions 4 and 5
Coursework 2
Question 14
General Information
All work must be submitted through Learnzone. Reports must be submittedelectronically in MS Word format with a minimum of 20 typed words. All answers must be clearly identified as to which course work and question they refer to.
Please note: M1, M2, D1, D2 and D3 only need to be achieved once in the module. M3 must be achieved in all course work for the criteria to be awarded.
After each question, or part question, is a word count in brackets. This word count is for the work you have created and does not include any tables of contents, diagrams, tables, citations or bibliography. Harvard referencing, via the Microsoft Word ‘management of sources’ menus, should be used where appropriate.
Where a word count has been specified, the submission must be within ±10% of that value for access to Merit Distinction grades. The merit and distinction descriptors that may be achieved in each task are given in the table above and you should consider these when approaching your research as well as when writing your answer.
Course Work 1
Report – one report per person
Course Work 1
You are being asked to design a product and prepare a design specification by a customer. The customer will request the type of product required and provide general information regarding their expectations. It is your task to design the product taking the wishes of the customer into account.
Part 1
You will be working in pairs to complete this course work where each one in turn will take the role of the customer to specify customer requirements which will be used by the other to design the product. It is important that each customer comes up with a set of requirements that would result in a unique design.
The design specification must consider customer requirements in terms of aesthetics, function, performance, cost, production parameters and lead to a design report. Each person needs to come up with a unique set of requirements in order for the designs to be different. Suggested products for the design are:
• Bottle to contain drinks
• Simple Light fitting
• Bottle opener
• Keyring torch
• Kettle
• Pizza cutter
• Electro mechanical door bell
• A suitable product agreed with the tutor (consider renewable energy options such as solar/wind powered products)
Learning Outcome 1.1
1.1: Establish customer requirements
Using one or more of the market research methodologies, identify a clear set of customer requirements for your chosen product. Examples of market research methodologies are:
• Questionnaires
• Interviews
• Focus group
The answer should include:
1. A brief explanation of why you have chosen the market research method you used instead of others. That is, brief research into market research methods.
2. Procedure followed when using the chosen method. Include any questionnaires used.
3. List of customer requirements you have identified with your market research.
Learning Outcome 1.3
1.3: Obtain design information from appropriate sources and prepare a design specification
4. The product design specification (PDS) is a listing of the critical parameters, specifications and requirements for the product you are designing. It is a statement of what the product should be and should do. Find suitable information from a variety of sources on the topics that are relevant to your product. The topics could include the following.
• Performance
• Environment (during manufacture, storage and use)
• Target product cost
• Competition
• Quantity and manufacture
• Materials
• Quality
• Standards
• Patents
• Market and company constraints
• Packaging and shipping
• Aesthetics and ergonomics
5. Prepare a design specification for your product to present to your customer considering all the information you found.
Learning Outcome 1.2
1.2: Present the major design parameters
6. Using your customer requirements, and methods such as object tree method and function analysis, produce a list of design parameters for your product.
7. Use a suitable method e.g. Quality Function Deployment method to identify the major design parameters. List the major design parameters and explain the interaction between them.
Learning Outcome 2.1
2.1: Produce an analysis of possible design solutions
8. Generate a range of possible design solutions which adequately cover the customer requirements. There should be at least four distinct design solutions. The method used to generate the solutions has to be explained.
9. Evaluate the design solutions for their suitability using a method such as weighted objective method.
Design solutions should be presented as clear sketches with annotations. The analysis should be presented as a briefreport.
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