This survey should take approximately 5 minutes of your time. In this survey, you will find questions concerning your newsgathering and news consumption habits, and questions concerning your level of trust towards the news media in China and in Hong Kong. You can only participate in this survey if you are Mainland Chinese and if you are currently a Masters student in a Hong Kong University. You are not required to provide your name in this survey. If you wish to not participate or withdraw at any time during the survey, you are free to do so. Your participation is entirely voluntary. By completing this questionnaire, you are giving your consent for the Hong Kong Baptist University and our researchers to use the data from this document in our Business Research project.
1. Tick one news source from the following list that is the trustworthiest according to you.
o Newspaper
o Television
o Radio
o News website with no printed, visual or audio version
o Newspaper website with both online and printed version
o Online-only radio
o Online-only TV
o Twitter
o Facebook
o Qzone
o Wechat
o Weibo
o Internet blogs or weblogs
o Other media source (Please specify): _______________________
o My most reliable news source is notfrom the media (Please specify source):
2. Please recall the last major event that you have been aware of. Which was the news source from the following list that informed you first of that event? Tick one.
o Newspaper
o Television
o Radio
o News website with no printed, visual or audio version
o Newspaper website with both online and printed version
o Online-only radio
o Online-only TV
o Twitter
o Facebook
o Qzone
o Wechat
o Weibo
o Internet blogs or weblogs
o Other media source (Please specify): _______________________
o I do not first learn about a major news event from the media (Please specify source):
3. Which of these new sources will you go to first the next time you want to inform yourself of a major news event? Tick one
o Newspaper
o Television
o Radio
o News website with no printed, visual or audio version
o Newspaper website with both online and printed version
o Online-only radio
o Online-only TV
o Twitter
o Facebook
o Qzone
o Wechat
o Weibo
o Internet blogs or weblogs
o Other media source (Please specify): _______________________
o I do not first get news about a major event from the media (Please specify source):
4. Do you trust the media as a whole? Including traditional media (television, radio, newspaper) and online media (online newspaper, social medias, internet blogs…). Please answer based on a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 meaning no trust at alland 7 meaning complete trust. Circle one number.
No trust Complete trust
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5. Please state how many times per week you consume and gather news from the following news source. Answer with a number, for instance, not once=0, once a week=1, twice a week=2 and so on.
News media channel Weekly usage
News website with no printed, visual or audio version
Newspaper website with both online and printed version
Online-only radio
Online-only TV
Internet blogs or weblogs
6. We would like you to state on a scale from 1 to 7 how much you trust each news source according to the information you want. In this case, 1 means that you do not trust the source at all and 7 means that you completely trust the news source. Please mark a cross under one number per news source.
News media channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
News website with no printed, visual or audio version
Newspaper website with both online and printed version
Online-only radio
Online-only TV
Internet blogs or weblogs
7. Do you believe that the HK Government exercises censorship over the media as a whole? On a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means that you “strongly disagree” and 7 means that you “strongly agree”, please state your position by crossing one of the boxes below the score.
Strongly Disagree Strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8. Do you believe that the HK Government exercises censorship over news on internal affairs? On a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means that you “strongly disagree” and 7 means that you “strongly agree”, please state your position by crossing one of the boxes below the score.
Strongly Disagree Strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
9. Do you believe that the HK Government exercises censorship over news on external affairs? On a scale from 1 to 7, where 1 means that you “strongly disagree” and 7 means that you “strongly agree”, please state your position by crossing one of the boxes below the score.
Strongly Disagree Strongly agree
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
10. Does your perceived Government control affect your choice of news consumption
Yes No
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