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Scenario Analysis 1



Assignment 3:

Follow the directions given below to complete a scenario analysis report
Part I: Identify a Situation
In your assignments for Modules 1, you will identify and analyze different examples of organizational behavior. You may find these examples at work, in school groups, in social groups, or in the news. You will look for situations that demonstrate some aspect of the material covered in the readings in each module.

Part II: Situation Summary
Provide a summary of the identified situation or event, briefly describing the people involved and their interrelationships. Your summary should give enough information to support your analysis and allow others to analyze the situation. Write the summary in approximately 1 page.

Part III: Analysis and Recommendation
Review the concepts, theories, and research findings discussed in your readings to understand and explain the organizational behavior you observed in your identified situation. Find at least two concepts, theories, or research findings that best explain the situation.
In each module, you will discover additional concepts, theories, and research findings on organizational behavior that you should consider applying to your observations. Use two new concepts, theories, or research findings in each module.
Complete the following:
• Identify the symptoms of the organizational behavior problem you have observed.
• Discuss your rationale for choosing the concepts, theories, or research findings to explain the situation.
• Provide a recommendation for how you would have handled the situation differently.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Assignment Components Proficient Maximum Points
Provide a summary of the event, briefly describing the people involved and their interrelationships. Summarized succinctly, yet in detail, the behaviors in the selected situation. 12
Identify the symptoms of the organizational behavior problem you have observed. Correctly identified symptoms and root causes of the behavior described. 20
Discuss your rationale for choosing the concepts, theories, or research findings to explain the situation. Logically discussed rationale of the two organizational behavior theories, concepts, or research findings relating to the situation. Scholarly resources are utilized in support. 24
Provide a recommendation for how you would have handled the situation differently. The recommended action to deal with the problem in the selected situation is logical and useful. Scholarly resources are utilized in support. 24
Academic Writing
Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources should align with specified assignment requirements. Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use of scholarly sources aligns with specified assignment requirements. 20
Total: 100


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