I can handle the cover page myself, and also the formatting. You can go ahead and just do normal single spaced and Ill double space where needed. This is a research paper for my Leadership course. I have been approved to write the paper on Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. Below I have copied and pasted the exact requirements. She only has paragraph requirements so I estimated the page requirement. I guess if it ends up being longer you will just stop at 2 single-spaced pages and thats fine. The book is Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience 8th ed, if you have books available to you.
Final Paper Requirements:
Section 1: Summary of the leader’s current and previous positions and
career highlights.
Use the Wall Street Journal articles you have found about your leader as the start
of your research on this individual. Using the library databases find at least 4 other
articles or good sources of information about your leader and his/her background
and career. Articles should be from credible business press or newspaper sources
(not blogs!). Company web sites are allowable sources. Your final list of sources
should be 5-7 credible sources all cited correctly and in APA format (meaning
citations within your paper and the reference list at the end).
Based on your research/sources, write a description of your leader’s career
highlights and current position. Length and depth guideline is 3-4 well developed
10 points available
Section 2: Summary of the leader’s traits, behaviors and style.
Using the sources you have compiled describe (using examples from the
background articles) and simultaneously analyze (using theories and models from
your text), the individual characteristics of your leader. What behaviors and traits
do they display? What leadership style or styles do his/her behaviors and actions
demonstrate? This section should also be 4-6 well developed paragraphs. Be sure
to use at least 2 different theories/frameworks from your text in this section.
20 points available
Section 3: Summary of the organizational circumstances that led this
leader to be in the news
Compile a timeline of the organizational circumstances that led to your leader being
in the news. Try not to quote the actual articles but paraphrase in your own words
what the dynamics of the situation were. Be sure to include enough description so
that the organizational stakeholders, context and your leader’s actions are well
described. This section can either be a bulleted list of events or in paragraph form.
Length and depth guideline is 2-3 well developed paragraphs or 6-9 bullet points.
Include citations where necessary.
10 points available
Section 4: Apply the LFS Framework
Using the leader, follower, situation framework we have been studying all semester
analyze the dynamics of the situation or situations you described in Section 3.
Explain how the three parts of the model worked and how they influenced each
other (or not). Take extra attention to fully analyze the leader actions your chosen
leader took and how it influences either the followers or the situation (or vice
versa). This section should be 4-6 well developed paragraphs. ALL aspects of the
model should be fully explored fully; you will want to demonstrate your complete
understanding of the model.
25 points available
Section 5: Advice for the Leader
In this section offer your analysis of the actions the leader took and your expert
recommendation for actions he/she might have done differently (and why). You
will want in this section to not only use the theories you have learned but some of
the reflection exercises to think through how this leader could improve on their
skills. It is not enough in this section to say “they are doing a great job”, leaders
can always improve! After you have identified things he/she might have done
differently, offer them advice for going forward – what can they do to improve their
15 points available
Total points available: 80
Grading Criteria within each Section:
1. Fully proofread and clear writing
2. Proper citations with strong sources given where necessary, citations and
reference list all in APA format.
3. Full application of text frameworks used
4. Insightful and accurate analysis
• Citations within paper and reference list at end of paper must be in APA
• Paper does not have to follow APA format, use the following format:
MGMT 425 Updated 3
o Title your paper with .doc name: last name_MGMT 425_leader last
o Insert a running footer with page number and your last name.
o Double space between sections and paragraphs. Single space within
o Clearly label each section.
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