Please read the following information carefully. You are to write an research paper dealing with an INTERNET PRIVACY or ETHICS ISSUE that interests you, and has not been resolved through legislation, or other legal means. You can choose to write it as a research paper on the topic itself, or a research paper with a theme of “for or against” the topic you choose. A “for or against” paper will still have research completed but will have research that gives support for, and research that gives support against your topic. In either situation the last paragraph will be your stance/opinion on the subject. The minimum word count for the paper is one thousand (1200) words. You must include a bibliography or list of references at the end of the paper. APA guidelines are in place for this assignment. Your discussion of the issue must cover: The Internet privacy/eithics issue; Why the issue exists; What is being done to address the issue, and What you think should be done to resolve the privacy issue. (This is the final paragraph only) The deadline to submit your opinion paper is no later than 11:59 pm on the due date given Your paper will be graded based upon the 4 areas described above, as well as a portion (20 points) for the use of references, spelling, grammar, formatting and organization. You must have a minimum of three outside sources. Be sure to include a bibliography in your paper specifying the articles to which you refer in your paper. If you do not refer to an article in your paper, do not include it in the list of references. You must refer to those articles using APA citation format in the body of your paper. The reference section MUST also be in APA format. Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
This is the topic for which the paper has to be written :
How Trade Agreements Harm Open Access and Open Source Open access isn’t explicitly covered in any of the secretive trade negotiations that are currently underway, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA). But that doesn’t mean that they won’t have a negative impact on those seeking to publish or use open access materials. First, online publishers sometimes apply TPM (Technological Protection Measures) to works that have been published under open access licenses, or place such works behind paywalls, thereby frustrating the intention of the author that the works should be made freely available. In both cases, circumventing the TPM or paywall block, in order to gain access to the work as the author intended, can be a civil or criminal offense. As for the other three areas that will be covered in the paper. What are those trade agreements, why was it voted for, and how could it negatively impact the security of the users in the participated countries in the agreement.
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