1. Conduct the C1.1.1 Identify major stakeholders activity for the system-of-interest.
2. Conduct the C1.2.1 Define mission, goals, and objectives activity for the system-of-interest. You are to develop the mission, goals and objectives at the system level, not the project level.
3. Identify the constraints that are relevant to the system-of-interest and its acquisition (conduct activities C1.1.2, C1.1.3, and C1.1.4). Briefly describe the impact of each constraint and how it would need to be taken into account throughout the design process.
4. Choose one major operational scenario and briefly conduct the C1.2.2 Define preliminary operational scenarios activity for that scenario. Draw appropriate FFBDs down to level three/four to support that operational scenario.5. Draw a system-level context diagram for the system-of-interest. Identify the system boundary on the context diagram and then describe it in logical and physical terms (that is, ensure that it is clear what is inside the system and what is not).
6. List the system’s external interfaces and label them on the context diagram. Choose ONE external interface and define it (description, impact analysis, control analysis) in accordance with of activity C1.3.3).
7. Identify at least five significant system-level trade studies associated with project. Conduct ONE of the identified trade studies.
8. Starting with the content from your system mission, goals, and objectives, develop an RBS for the system down to level five (note that your mission statement constitutes level 0, so you require an additional five levels of detail). Focus on a portion of your RBS (you may have to expand it further, depending on which portion you have chosen) and complete the detail for at least 5 functional requirements in the format of Figure 8-9 (noting that you may have more than one performance statement for each functional statement).
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