This is basically a manuscript about Full metal jacket and its implications in Iliac vein stenting. It must also include general iliac vein stenting, and full metal jacket stenting of arteries and in cardiology. It has to include statistics, charts, graphs, tables, comparison statistics, so on and so forth. I will include a few ways that it should be written i.e. examples of how it should look like and the resources i provide will also give an idea of how it should look like, as this is a manuscript. Any and all other references that can be found are welcome. References must be the same way as in the articles attached. This must not be written like a book report, the final point is to show the results reflected in the abstract I have attached in the files in the word document. In this case reflect that there is no statistical difference between full metal jacket of the iliac veins and regular iliac vein stenting. There is not much information out there on FMJ of the iliac veins, so the majority of information will come from arterial FMJ vs regular stenting of arteries but the final results and methods have to reflect those you see in the abstract in the word document with the title “The Implication of Full Metal Jacket for Iliac Vein Stenting” The background should discuss what iliac vein stenting is, and what full metal jacket is, cost effectiveness between the 2, etc, etc basically an introduction to the 2. The discussion should be focused on regular stents or drug eluting stents vs. the full metal jacket stents, the pros/cons of both, comparing the two, etc, methods should involve what is in the abstract attached, and conclusions/results should basically be what the abstract attached results/conclusions are and state how basically it should be a type of “in our experiences.. this is what happened” type deal since FMJ on iliac veins isnt really done the methods and conclusions should focus on what is in the attached abstract and state what “our experiences” are with having done this, this should also be included in the discussions, as well.
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