This assignment requires you to analyze Case 4, “MTV Networks: The Arabian Challenge” found on pp 179-187 of the 7th Edition of the Deresky text and pp PC2-9 to 16 of the 8th Edition. Your analysis must include a specific response to each of the following three Case Questions:
- Experts felt that one of the biggest challenges faced by MTV while launching MTV Arabia was the prevalent culture in the Arab world. Discuss the Arab culture. How is it expected to pose a challenge to MTV?
- Critically analyze MTV’s strategy in the Middle East. Comment on its entry strategy and also its strategy of providing mixed content to the market. Do you think MTV will be able to succeed in this market?
- How successful has MTV been in this market to date? What, if anything, do you think MTV should have done differently? What should the company do now?
You can respond by simply answering the three questions above or you can incorporate your analysis of these three questions into a more traditional case format. Regardless of which approach you choose, you must produce a case report of approximately 3,000 words of text. Try not to exceed this limit. The report can include relevant appendices and exhibits in addition to the word limit.
In undertaking the assignment, you should call upon the content of the Deresky text for information about Arab culture but you may also do external secondary research about doing business in Arab cultures if you wish. You must apply and give reference to all and any topics, theories and other material which are relevant to the case. You may use whatever referencing system you wish…when in doubt, use APA.
You are free to use whatever style you wish in writing your report. The test for the style used is: (i) the extent to which it is effective in conveying your work; and (ii) the level of professionalism it demonstrates including format, organization and use of heading, grammar and any other aspects of business writing.
Assessment will be based on the report’s content (70%) and level of professionalism (30%).
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