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Epic of Gilgamish


(please make it the original essay and simple for me)

Paper 1: Aspects of Epic
100 pts.
Due 6/15, 11:59pm
This first essay should focus on traits commonly found in epic poetry. The details of this are largely up to you.
Feel free to examine a common plot or theme (mortality, free will, fate, heroism etc.), or look into the form or style of epic. You can focus in on Gilgamesh or The Iliad, or do some sort comparison between the two. The paper needs to be thesis driven and detailed in nature. Feel free to take this paper into a direction in which you are interested: are you interested in how religion works in these texts? Are you intrigued by the portrayal or friendship or how women are treated? Go for it—investigate something that interests you in connection to these two ancient epics—but stick to ONE focus. Avoid covering too much, avoid long chronology papers, and avoid papers that summarize texts w/o creating any argument about them.

o Statements should be supported with details from the texts.
o The paper should receive scholarly support from at least 2 outside, academic sources.
o All papers must be in MLA format. Papers will be submitted to SafeAssign on Blackboard.
o Required length: 3 full pages of text + Works Cited Page
o These papers will be graded according to their thoughtfulness, persuasiveness, precision, textual support, clarity, and attention to assignment requirements.
o Please include the Honor Code Pledge at the end of the paper: I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in completing this work nor have I presented someone else’s work as my own.”
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