Personality and Facebook Research Project & APA Style Research Report
Introduction: This handout will help you understand what my expectations are for this assignment. If you have any remaining questions about the assignment please ask questions via the phone, email, skype, or in my office hours. Each aspect of the assignment will have its own more detailed assignment instructions.
Overview: This assignment is designed to enable you to explore a specific personality psychology topic in greater depth by appreciating the application of research to understanding common and everyday social behavior. The project will also help you develop and improve your understanding of personality psychology research and theory. This also allows for developing and demonstrating skills in reading and critically evaluating research as well as reporting and interpreting research in APA style. For this assignment you will work independently to using the PsycInfo data base ( to find empirical research on a subset of the topics below, present an organized summary of that existing research along with logically derived predictions (hypotheses), Dr B. will supply a Personality and Facebook survey data set and conduct analyses for you, and you can apply your understanding and creativity to interpreting the results of the class data analyses, and finally present a clear and compelling synthesis of all these activities to me in the form of an APA style research report. This process may also aid you in understanding your own online behaviors and those of your friends and family.
Specified Topics:
● Required Topic to research:
o Big Five Personality Factors and Facebook behavior
● Selective Topics – choose one additional research topic from below:
o Shyness and Facebook behavior
o Self Esteem and Facebook behavior
o Adult Attachment Style and Facebook behavior
o Narcissism and Facebook behavior
You must focus your library research efforts on personality psychology research and theory that has been or could be applied to understanding the motivations for Facebook behavior and how Facebook behavior may impact a person (self esteem for example). Your paper must include research on the Required Topic, and one additional topic from the Selective Topics list.
Assignment Components: There are several parts to this assignment and they have different due dates. However they all fit together into the final product. Staying on task will result in a higher quality final paper.
The components are below and due dates are as noted in the syllabus:
● References List & Annotations
● CITI research Ethics Online Training & Certification
● Introduction of Research Report
● Final Research Report; including title page, abstract, Introduction, Method, Results (provided by Dr. B), Discussion, and References
Assignment Components Overview:
● REFERENCES IN APA STYLE & ANNOTATIONS: Review the list of specific topics on the previous page and conduct searches in PsychInfo for Facebook and Big Five Personality factors and one additional pair of terms from the “Selective” topic list. Review the instructions in the “References & Annotations Assignment” handout. References: Using the PsycInfo database, select references that you believe will help you make the case for predicting how personality variables may relate to Facebook behavior and why. The majority of the references should be journal articles that report on empirical studies. Your references must include research on Big Five Traits and Facebook behaviors and one additional personality factor and Facebook from the Selective list.
● Goal: To carefully select relevant research articles needed for the introduction to your research report, to read them critically, recording your thoughts on them (annotations in preparation for writing), begin to organize your thoughts on how information from the references could be synthesized, and to form a hypothesis or prediction concerning personality factors and Facebook behaviors based on what you have read.
● METHOD: Not required as a separate assignment. This is a relatively straight-forward description of how data were collected for our research project. We will go over a template / example in class.
● Goal: Describe in specific detail how data were collected for the study including: sample procedures, sample characteristics, type of measures, and scoring of measures.
● INTRODUCTION: The introduction of your research report on personality and Facebook behavior and should present a thematically organized argument for the class research project. It sets out the general research question (Is personality related to Facebook behavior?) and presents a summary of relevant research on related topics (for example big five factors, self esteem, etc., and Facebook behavior and attitudes). Finally, it concludes by making some specific predictions / hypotheses (2 minimum 3 maximum) about what you expect to find when we analyze the class data. See the “Introduction Assignment” handout for further details. In addition see the portion of the APA publication manual that describes the introduction section (see pages 27-28) and for assistance in developing specific hypothesis about the class data see the survey handout on blackboard. Finally, the introduction section of journal articles that report on studies similar to ours are good models for you to follow, for example carefully examine the introduction to the Correa, Hinsley, and Zuniga (2009) because it is focused on developing the background and hypotheses for variables like the ones we are studying.
Goal: To demonstrate, through APA style language, a concise summary of the current research and existing theories that support your hypotheses based on the articles you researched (and what you have learned from your textbook).
● FINAL RESEARCH REPORT: The body of you paper must not exceed 10 pages in length (the body does not including title page, abstract page, and references pages). Your reference section must include at least 6 references to empirical studies (meaning that data are collected and analyzed) of your topic. Your paper is required to conform to APA style including: a title page, an abstract, running head, section headings (see below), citations, a reference section, organization, formatting, etc. Details of these style conventions are described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th ed. which is available in the Library and University Bookstore. See also the APA Style Resources tab on Blackboard.
● Goal: Demonstrate your understanding of how to conduct psychological research on personality and behavior using professional standards of communication, and apply understanding of personality to understanding contemporary and socially relevant behaviors.
● Important Note: Organizing your Paper Thematically. Following the guidelines indicated in the outline guidelines handout (available on the Blackboard site) you should organize your paper with section headings and subheadings. Note that although the Correa et al. (2009) article provides an example of a thematically organized introduction and uses headings / subheadings and provides an example of their use, HOWEVER it does not conform to APA style heading formatting requirements.
Extraverted people will use social media more than introverted people
Based on what I read in Correa, Hinsley, and Zuniga (2010)
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