You are being asked to create graphs and perform calculations. Make sure that you label all
graphs properly. Both the X and Y axis should be labelled. There should be a legend showing
each series on the graph. In short, someone who hasn’t read the questions should be able to
understand what is shown in your graphs. Be sure to show your work for the calculations.
You should write down the general formula and the specific numbers that you are using to
reach your answer. You will lose marks if we cannot see how you reached your answers,
even if your final answer is ultimately correct.
Task: Go to the Maddison project database h
Click on Maddison Project Database. Save the Excel file (open the file in Excel and use <file,
save as>).
Reading (particularly for question 6): Kenneth L. Sokoloff and Stanley L. Engerman,
“History Lessons Institutions, Factor Endowments, and Paths of Development in the New
World”, Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 14, Number 3—Summer 2000 —Pages
1. Use Excel to graphically show GDP per capita for the largest 8 Latin American nations
(Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela). [Show all 8
on one figure, do not use the 8 L. America total.] Create separate figures for 1920,
1950, 1980, and 2010. (Hint: use <insert, charts> in Excel).
2. Calculate the growth rate for Argentina and Peru between 1920 and 2010. What is
the average annual growth?
3. Have the Latin American countries that were richer in 1920 grown faster or slower
than those which were poorer?
4. Create a table showing GDP per capita for the 12 Western European economies and
8 Latin American economies in 1920, 1930, 1940, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990,
2000, and 2010 (use columns N and BQ, do not have 20 columns).
5. Compare the growth rates of Latin America to those of Western Europe.
6. What explanations have scholars offered for lower growth rates in Latin America
than in Western Europe?
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